May 17, 2010

Add distributors - Make Residual income monthly.

Just give this opportunity 2 minutes of your time. I was laid off about 3 months ago. I had applied and received unemployment payments as well (for about 1/3 of my salary)!

I was frustrated and the bills did not stop. My family needed some help and so I was motivated to find the BEST method I could. I wanted to start working from home without losing money or "going into the red".

This is NOT:
1. a get rich quick scheme.
2. a high start up payment.
3. for everyone.

I want those men or women that WANT to make a change. You can easily make a few hundred dollars to help with bills, or with motivation and the right tools, even stay at home and build your business.

Email me at - to find out how!
Or to start NOW - visit and sign up on SKYPE and my user name is -
If you feel that phone contact is best, please go back to
START TODAY and contact on my cell phone.

I want to personally coach you and help you earn the extra money you need. Please feel free to contact me if you need anything further. Have a great day, and I look forward to speaking with you.

May 15, 2010

Leadership for Business

Whether you are starting up your own business, or you are looking at adding distributors to your existing company, here are some thoughts to think about in regards to leadership. Leadership is the single most important character trait to possess to get people to believe in you and follow your advice.

1. People follow the leader first and the leader's vision second.
2. Trust is the force that connects people to the leader and his or her vision.
3. Leadership is not just about what you do but what you can inspire, encourage and empower others to do.
4. A leader brings out the best within others by sharing the best within themselves.
5. Just because you drive the bus, does not mean that you have the right to run people over.
6. Lead with optimism, enthusiasm and positive energy, guard against pessimism and weed out negative thinking.
7. Great leaders know they don't have all the answers. Rather they build a team of people who either know the answers or will find them.
8. Leaders inspire and teach their people to focus on solutions, not complaints.
9. Great leaders know that success is a process not a destination.

Paraphrased from Jon Gordon